Free React Course
For Beginners

L5 - React - From CSS to CSSinJS

React For Beginners by Itera

Key Points

  • Default way
  • Using CSS modules
  • Preprocessors
  • CSS in JS

Default way

Just a CSS
import "./index.css";
const App = () => (
    <div className="App">My app</div>


  • Simple to read - just regular CSS
  • Simple to use - just regular CSS
  • No extra efforts - works out of the box

Cons - Conflicts

// App.css
.root { padding-top: 1em; }
// Card.css
.root { padding-top: 2em; }
// Result
.root { padding-top: ??; }

Cons - hard to reuse

.input:focus {
    outline: 1px solid brown;

.select:focus {
    outline: 1px solid brown;

Cons - hard to track not used code

.app {font-size: 2rem;}
.missing-class {color: red}
import "./index.css";
const App = () => <div className="app">
    My app

And others

Using CSS modules

Almost the same as CSS

import styles "./app.module.css";
const App = () => <div className={styles.root}>My app</div>

But scoped to the component


import "./index.css";
const App = () => <div className="app">My app</div> 
My app


  • No more conflicts with same naming
  • Flat CSS without deep nesting
  • No more !important
  • Easy to track not used class

With css variables - it's almost perfect solution

 :root { --main-color: black; }
 body { var(--main-color, white) }

But if you need to support IE...

This will not work


CSS with superpowers

SCSS - Pros

  • Variables
  • Convenient nesting
  • Mixins
  • Math

Pros - variables working in IE

$default-padding: 1em;
    padding: $default-padding;
.card {
    padding: $default-padding;

Pros - convenient nesting

.radio:disabled { opacity: 0.33; }
.radio:focus { outline: 1px solid red; }
.radio {
    &:disabled { opacity: 0.33; }
    &:focus { outline: 1px solid red; }

Pros - mixins

@mixin theme($theme: white, $txt: black) {
    background: $theme;
 .card {
     @include theme;

Pros - math

@use "sass:math";
article[role="main"] {
  width: math.div(600px, 960px) * 100%;


  • Extra setup needed
  • Learning curve
  • Not compatible with pure CSS


CSS in JS - modern and popular way to manage CSS in React

Example from styled components

import styled from "@emotion/styled";

const AppH1 = styled.h1`
    color: red;


Absolute control

In CSS in JS approach - css is a part of your code. Thus you have full control on it. You can use variables, math, any kind of transformation. You can use props to control any css property


Within CSS in JS you will not spot naming issues. Class names are unique or not exists at all


As far as CSS turned into the code - it's much easier to track, rename or delete CSS without worrying that something will be broken

CSS in JS - cons

  • One more weird syntax
  • Extra tooling needed
  • Some performance hit


Examples - styled components


import styled from "@emotion/styled";

const AppH1 = styled.h1`
    color: red;

With props

const AppH1 = styled.h1<{ type: "regular" | "danger" }>`
    color: ${({ type }) ==> 
        (type === "regular" ? "black" : "red")};

Restyling existed components

const AppHeader = styled.h1<{ type: "regular" | "danger" }>`
    color: ${({ type }) => 
        (type === "regular" ? "black" : "red")};
const FixSizeHeader = styled(AppHeader)`
    font-size: 10px;

Of course there are much more

What to pick?

  • Pure CSS - not sure 🤔
  • CSS Modules - default ❤️
  • CSS Modules + SCSS - for advanced ❤️ ❤️
  • Styled Components - in case of very complex UI when you need to control everything programmatically

Typical mistakes with CSS Modules

CSS Modules - not importing a module 💔

import styles from './app.css';
import styles from './app.module.css';

CSS Modules - using regular class 💔

const App = ()=> <div className="main"></div>
const App = ()=> <div className={styles.main}></div>

Home task

  • Use CSS modules to style previously created application

Useful links

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