Blog about JavaScript, performance and security
Top-5 HTTP Security Headers in 2020

Nowadays, security is important as never before. I've prepared a very short article about the Top-5 security headers in 2020 that will help your site keep your users in safety.
React.JS application, performance and -500 milliseconds at launch - the history of our optimizations in numbers
Simple performance optimizations and -500 milliseconds at launch for the create-react-app.
Profile loading of Habr or how 189 requests influence the rendering
If you are interested in how to profile and (what is more important) understand the profiling results - here is the example of profiling - most popular IT resource in CIS.
Discovering new angular/cli command library - short overview
@angular/cli added support for creating your own library with angular components. Let's check what we are offered.
How to get JavaScript bytecode from Node.js and V8 in 2019
Want to know how your code looks like from bytecode? Getting JavaScript bytecode is simpler than you think.
How to start new JS project from scratch with automated formatting, linting, testing and documentation
Keeping your code consistent and well-formatted not an easy task even when you work alone. But when you work with a team or with open source projects all start getting even harder. Everyone has their own code style, someone doesn’t run tests, and no one writes documentation. This article will help you to set up all these things and even more — automate this routine to never do it manually.
Free Continuous Integration for your GitHub project with three easy steps - build, test, deploy
Hi guys! Today we will learn how to setup Continuous Integration process for the C# project hosted on GitHub. This is very easy, can really improve your code quality and you always be sure that no one destroys your code with latest commit. Are you interested? Let’s give it a try!